At Axon Medical & Aesthetics, it is our mission to clarify any questions and concerns you may have about our Medical and Aesthetic Treatments. We understand that the information found online can be rather clinical; we intend to answer common questions in a manner that is relevant and easy to understand.

What is a Neuromodulator/Ona-botulinum toxin?

  • They are naturally found purified proteins that limit the pain from muscle contractions or overuse of muscles innervated by the trigeminal and facial nerves of the jaw, limit the excessive innervation by nerve fibers to sweat glands, and relax wrinkle forming muscles of the face and neck.
  • The effect is temporary, on average, lasting 4 months but can vary with each individual.
  • Generally, neuromodulators for aesthetics are used on the upper face, jowls and neck, mainly for wrinkles caused by muscle movements.
  • Contraindications: pregnant, breastfeeding, active infection, presently on antibiotics, diagnosed with AML (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), myasthenia gravis, Lambert-Eaton syndrome, muscular dystrophy, or multiple sclerosis. Contraindications to certain neuromodulators is allergy to cow milk protein.
  • Common risks include: bruising, swelling, headache for 24 hrs post-injection.
  • Initial affect noticed 3-5 days after injection, then full effect 14 days post-injection.
  • A follow-up touch-up appointment if necessary can be made 2-3 weeks post-procedure. Extra units of product if required at that time are charged per unit cost.

What is a Dermal Filler?

  • Wrinkles on the lower half of the face tend to be a result of volume loss more than from muscle overuse. They are injected beneath the wrinkle, line or hollowed area. The dermal fillers used are made of HLA (hyaluronic acid), in a gel-form, a substance that naturally occurs in the body.
  • Dermal Fillers received FDA approval in 2013.
  • A numbing cream may be used, expect to sit for 15 minutes while the topical cream takes effect.
  • All individual anatomy and effects can vary; no two individuals are alike. We try to reach your personal goal discussed; however, patience is requested as the final aesthetic goal is usually not reached until 5-14 days post-treatment.
  • Risks include: bruising, swelling, superficial hard nodules, vascular occlusion.
  • The duration varies up to two years with one touch-up, depending on the injection location.
  • Do not use fillers if you have an ALLERGY to MILK PROTEIN.

What is Microneedling ?

  • A minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedure. The microneedles poke the skin to create microinjuries to stimulate collagen and elastin, and create channels to allow the direct infusion of hyaluronic acid serum deeply into the skin, to help smooth your natural skin appearance of fine lines. The plumping of the skin, filling of fine lines, scars, and improvement of discoloration are all achievable with microneedling.
  • This procedure leaves you with improved skin texture and firmness, as well as a reduction in scars and pore size. It fades dilated blood vessels and fine wrinkles.
  • Risks include: minor pink or red skin for 24-48 hrs post-treatment much like a sunburn possibly with minor bleeding and or bruising. The skin may feel warm, tight and itchy for a short while. The elderly or patients with sensitive skin may recover slower.
  • A numbing cream is used prior to the procedure, expect to wait 20 minutes prior to your procedure while the numbing cream takes effect.
  • A cooling Hyaluronic Acid Mask is placed on the treated area after treatment, expect to wait 20 minutes after your procedure.
  • You can expect gradual improvement of the treated area over the course of several weeks, with the final results best seen after several months. The procedure can be repeated after 4-6 weeks of the first procedure.
  • For very minor fine lines you can use one treatment; for fine lines and wrinkles, most patients need 2-3 treatments (6 weeks apart); and for discoloration/acne 6-8 treatments (6 weeks apart).
  • Please do not book this procedure if you have an active acne break out, or facial infection, as it is not safe.

What is the cost for Neuromodulators and Dermal fillers?

  • The price varies with each individual treatment plan and areas treated and will be discussed in detail at the initial assessment. There is a set per unit cost for neuromodulators, dermal fillers and microneedling sessions discussed at your consultation and posted in the clinic.

What is the cost of Microneedling and Collagen Induction Therapy

  • The price varies per patient individual treatment plan and areas treated and will be discussed in detail at the initial assessment.

Neuromodulator for TMJ Disorder/TMD

  • TMD (Temporomandibular disorders) are complex resulting from an interplay of causes from multiple genetic and environmental domains. Due to the socially, emotionally and psychologically effects of the disorder we stress the upmost importance in having a health team leader directing your treatment such as your family doctor or dentist/specialist, and we can be an adjunct for your care in helping to decrease your chronic TMJ pain.
  • Common symptoms are tenderness, tightness or pain around the jaw; problems with chewing and opening the mouth wide; headaches and earaches. TMD can make ordinary activities such as yawning, eating, speaking and kissing difficult and uncomfortable. For some the pain becomes chronic and debilitating.
  • Frequently co-occurring conditions: Fibromyalgia, chronic migraine, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, endometriosis, lower back pain, sleep disorders, depression and more.
  • Before being treating for TMD your family doctor should first rule out any other disease that may be causing your symptoms. If you are otherwise healthy you doctor may refer you to a dentist. In which you may try eating soft foods, avoiding hard chewing or extreme jaw movements or apply ice packs and moist heat, or practice stress-reduction techniques.
  • Neuromodulators are not currently FDA approved for TMJ pain due to a lack of large, rigorous or placebo-controlled trials, however is acceptable as an alternative treatment.
  • There are numerous small research papers, reviews and articles most recently published stating that Neuromodulators should be considered as an alternative treatment when other conservative methods have failed. The research has found a specific neuromodulator to decrease the intensity, frequency and duration of TMJ pain by 50-80%, self-reported by patients.

What if I am not happy with the immediate result after my procedure OR have side effects?

  • We ask that you are patient, the body can react to the procedure with swelling, and bruising that will start to subside varying between 5-14 days post-procedure with the “goal” being reached around the 2 week mark.
  • You need to be aware that everyone responds differently to needle injections, and significant bruising can happen to anyone. Please don’t book an appointment for treatment for medical or aesthetic treatments of the face within 3 weeks of an important event, such as family photos, interviews or wedding.
  • All anatomy varies slightly between patients and from one side of your face compared to the other. Slight asymmetries can be seen within the 2 week period. We can attempt to correct small imperfections during a follow-up visit.
  • If your concerns remain at that time a follow-up appointment can address any concerns you may have.
  • If you notice immediate or delayed increasing pain, redness, rash, unusual swelling, duskiness or grey appearance to your skin after a filler injection, there may be vascular compression or occlusion a rare complication, and we have the medication to reverse the action of the filler injected though don’t delay, you need medical attention right away.
  • If you experience shortness of breath, swelling of your throat, and have anaphylactic type symptoms, please call 911.

Should you like additional information or have further questions please feel free to contact:



Dr. Heather Gordon by direct message on Facebook or Instagram or e-mailing at

[email protected]

Office 306-974-7300